
Small Business Shout Out - Chappaqua Karate

By Lisa Dunleavy July 19, 2019

Do you have a child with endless energy that needs an outlet to release it? Or are you someone who would like to get into better physical shape? Karate could be the answer for both!  Karate training is something you can practice your entire life and it is great for all ages.

Sensei Mark Dwyer has been teaching karate in Westchester County since 1984 and has developed teaching skills to match his karate techniques. The style of martial arts taught at Chappaqua Karate is called Goju-Ryu Karate.  This is a traditional form of Okinawan Karate. 

There is a lot more to karate than just kicking and punching, even though that is a big part of it. Karate improves your mental and physical strength. Learning martial arts strengthens the body, mind, and spirit. Karate develops the mindset to push yourself thru hard training and perfecting difficult techniques.

Repetition is the key to perfecting anything and karate is no different. Great focus comes from practice and repetition. Karate will help to improve your child's confidence and respect. Practicing karate also helps to improve discipline and mental toughness. These mental benefits can then be used in your everyday life.  

“Over the years I have had the honor to teach many different children, from focused, to not, including autistic and Asperger’s children,” says Sensei Dwyer.  “I have also taught adults from every walk of life, nurses, lawyers and construction workers….plus college students.  Everyone can benefit from karate!”

About Chappaqua Karate:

  • There are no contracts or any association fees
  • There is no minimum or maximum class requirements
  • Classes are weekday and weekends for both children and adults
  • Location: 75 South Greeley Avenue, 2nd Floor (above Wells Fargo)

For more information, please call Sensei Dwyer at 914-879-9780, visit their website at or check out their Facebook page.