
WonderfullyMade Fertility Care

The Creighton Model System is based on the daily, routine observation of various bio-markers that a woman makes throughout her day. A standardized chart, stamps and recording system are used daily (an app is available), giving insight into the different phases of a woman's cycle and gynecological health. In addition to allowing a couple to determine days of fertility and infertility, the Creighton Model can also help a couple identify the underlying causes that may be contributing to infertility or gynecological problems. These factors may include endometriosis, PCOS, PMS, hormonal imbalances or ovulatory dysfunction as well as nutritional deficiencies. By understanding her body, her cycle, and her fertility, a woman can make informed decisions about her health and family planning.

To learn the Creighton Model, a woman (couple) attends an Introductory Session which will equip her to begin using the system.  She then attends individualized Follow Up appointments (8) tailored to her specific reproductive category effectively and confidently learn to chart. The Fertility Care Practitioner assigned to the couple not only educates, but offers support to the woman and her husband on their fertility journey emotionally physically and spiritually.

Business Review

"I had 3 early miscarriages with no explanation, and my doctor referred me to a specialist who recommended IVF. I found out about NaProTECHNOLOGY through a friend and contacted Kelly to learn to chart my cycles to find out why I could not successfully carry a pregnancy. With her help, we identified several biomarkers that indicated low progesterone. With cooperative bio identical progesterone support prescribed by my NaPro Medical Consultant, and making some changes in my diet, I am now 5 months pregnant. I am so grateful to have found this method of attentive healthcare for women."

-Danielle S.  

"I did not want to use any kind of contraceptive, especially while nursing my baby. Charting through the postpartum phase was much easier than I thought and I appreciate the coaching that I received through that time. Kelly helped me identify some postpartum depression signs which my NaPro was able to help with. I didn't feel alone, but instead experienced such good care."

- Jenn T

"Learning the Creighton Model with Kelly has helped me understand my fertility in a new way. I know and understand  what my body is doing, and why, on any given day of my cycle. Days of fertility and infertility are very clear and my husband and I have had success using the System to both avoid pregnancy and achieve pregnancy."

- Stephanie H.

"Growing up I always thought signs of fertility meant I had a problem. For the first time in my life I understand that my body is working exactly the way it should be. I wish my doctor had told me what all these signs meant, I wouldn't have worried so much.

I feel empowered. "

- Vanessa M.