
New Pout-Pout Fish Book Teaches Kids About the Environment

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By Alison Wenger June 11, 2019

Little kids can be observant and they love asking questions. Whether it was on a neighborhood walk or driving along the road, my kids always wondered why there was trash laying on the ground.

In The Pout-Pout Fish Cleans Up the Ocean, Mr. Fish and his friends start wondering the same thing about their ocean home which they see is a BIG, BIG MESS!

This story has them wondering how it happened and what they can do to make it better. The answer is teamwork! What a great lesson for our kids, that even though they might be little, they can still make a difference, and that effort grows in success by working together.

As we head into summer vacation season and World Ocean Day on June 8, let’s remember that protecting our environment is something that families can do all year long! To get you started, the back of this hardcover book even contains a section about how young readers can help battle ocean pollution.

You can find this new book online or at your nearest book retailer. You can also check out other great Pout-Pout fish titles that your little ones will love in this New York Times best-selling series.