In anticipation of the world premiere of the Wicked movie, Ellen’s Starduster Diner—the Times Square hotspot famous for its Broadway show with your meal—is hosted a theatrical event on Wednesday, November 20th. that was pure magic. The Stardusters, Ellen’s world-famous singing waitstaff, were decked out in Wicked-inspired pink and green, channeling their inner Elphaba and Glinda as they belted out classic tunes from the beloved musical. Starduster Nicole Calkins performed in full costume as Elphaba alongside Starduster Nancy Carrie Logan, who performed as Glinda. From the iconic “Defying Gravity” to other classic tunes like “The Wizard and I,” the Stardusters - it was a spellbinding show.
In addition to the lively kick-off performances, Ellen’s Stardust Diner will be shaking things up with their special Wicked milkshakes available for $10 from Wednesday, November 20 through Sunday, November 24. Guests will have the choice between an Elphaba Green Mint Chocolate Shake or Glinda Pink Strawberry Shake.
The Wicked fun doesn’t stop there – Ellen’s Stardust Diner will be hosting “Wicked Weekend” performances to celebrate the premiere of the film throughout the whole weekend.
Ellen’s Stardust Diner is open 365 days a year from 7 am to midnight, including all major holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. For more information, visit or follow the diner on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.
Ellen’s Stardust Diner is located at 1650 Broadway at 51st Street