Scarborough Presbyterian Children’s Center is a developmental pre-school. It is our belief that children grow and learn when they are free to observe, explore, and actively engage in activities at their own developmental levels and pace. We recognize that children learn through play. Our program provides a warm nurturing environment in which children can thrive. Each child is treated as an individual, respecting their needs, learning styles and personalities. Our child-oriented environment addresses the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical needs of young children. We encourage children’s natural curiosity and foster a healthy respect for themselves, for others and for their surroundings. The teaching staff carefully plans for a variety of activities and learning experiences that reflect children’s particular interests and needs. The “learning areas” in the classrooms focus upon sand and water exploration, language arts, cooking, art media, music, block play, dramatic play, puzzles and other manipulatives.
SUMMER CAMP: Our seven-week camp program is organized for toddlers and children up to five years of age. We provide a friendly, child-centered environment where children can be active in the fresh air, participate in water play, and enjoy the warm summer days. A child can attend one week, several weeks, or all of the weeks. With our air-conditioned classrooms, children can comfortably play indoors during the hot days of summer. Camp hours are 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm with LunchBunch or extended day, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The teachers follow weekly themes for camp and create special days to enrich the curriculum. Each camp classroom has at least two teachers. For more information, or to set up an appointment to visit, please call: Katya Montelbano, Program Director at 914-941-0025.